It was raining cats and dogs. I met with my friend for searching to-let. The next day my friend would go to outside of city for audit job. So this holiday was the only day for searching to-let. My friend made phone call according to the given phone number in the to-let advertisement board but got no satisfactory result. My friend became totally disappointed. I requested him make the last phone call a particular phone number. The advertisement is not attractive so he hesitated but I insisted. He made phone call the given number and got acknowledged about the room location. We found the flat on 6th floor; this is two rooms flat with tiles, one bathroom, kitchen and veranda. The room is just near our preference and room rent is within our budget, so we took the decision within just one minute the decision is final. We confirm the room lord with advanced payment. From the next month we will get the room. Oh, we just relaxed, got a room in the capital city. We are happiest one in the city. The rainy day was the successful day in this year.
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